Black Indigenous Peoples of Colour, abbreviated to BIPOC, is a term used to describe non-Caucasian folx experiences in society, and create solidarity for the different systemic racist experiences melanated bodies deal with.

BIPOC folx are the global majority, and their cultures and experiences are diverse.. However, the media treats BIPOC cultures as "one type of entity”. This narrative, stems from colonization. It is a lazy and deeply hurtful approach to creating dialogue and building relationships with folx.

In "We are Not a Monolith", I explore this untrue belief by take a playful approach. I use the same colour palette across five paintings, and explore different types of mark making and textures to challenge the narrative of looking at bodies of cultures through a singular lens. The paintings also pays homage to my South Asian heritage, which is home to some of the world’s ancient, rich and sustainable textile traditions, including Khadi and Bandhani.

Accents in Red - I; 8 x 8 in, acrylic on wood; 2022

Accents in Red - II; 8 x 8 in, acrylic on wood; 2022

Accents in Red - III; 8 x 8 in, acrylic on wood; 2022

Accents in Red - IV; 8 x 8 in, acrylic on wood; 2022

Accents in Red - V; 8 x 8 in, acrylic on wood; 2022